

29 Uppsatser om Low stake - Sida 1 av 2

Misslyckandedekonstruktion - en metod att analysera tidigt entreprenöriellt misslyckande

Entrepreneurial failure is probably a subject that is not well understood. This might have to do with the methodological difficulties of screening out failed entrepreneurs. In this thesis a tool is developed for analyzing supposed entrepreneurial failure. In this model entrepreneurs are surrounded by different stake holders. By using the failure deconstruction model to analyze my own entrepreneurial effort I find that it has neither been a successful project nor a disastrous one.

Att dömas eller bedömas

Syftet med studien var att undersöka försvarsmaktlärares uppfattning omrelationen mellan kursernas examinationsform och faktorer som har med destuderandes lärande att göra. Studien hade dessutom som syfte att undersöka omdet finns några betydande skillnader i uppfattning mellan skolor med olikakaraktär i form av generalist- eller specialistinriktning på utbildningen.Konstruktionen av empirisk data har möjliggjorts genom att vi har intervjuatlärare från två olika skolor, dels Militärhögskolan i Halmstad (MHS H) delsFörsvarsmaktens tekniska skola (FMTS).För att kunna tolka vårt resultat har vi använt oss av två referensramar. Det ärMarton och Booth teoretiska referensram om lärandet samt Biggs teorier omkonstruktiv gruppering av de faktorer som främjar lärandet. Resultatet pekar påatt det är av betydelse för de studerandes lärande att lärarna gör medvetna val föratt examinationen skall vara ett stöd i lärandet och inte enbart enkontrollfunktion. Vidare kan vi konstatera att det inte föreligger några skillnaderi uppfattning om examinationens vikt för lärandet utan skillnaden ligger iuppfattning om i vilken grad man faktiskt har möjlighet att realisera sina planermed hänsyn taget till de ramfaktorer som styr planeringen av den genomfördautbildningen..

Verksamhetsstyrning med fokus på intressenters och medarbetares betydelse : ett fundament för företagens varaktiga framgång?

We would like to gain a more in depth knowledge of whether the modern orientations both within corporate governance and control philosophy lay the foundation for enterprises? more sustainable success. These both modern orientations are increasingly focusing on the importance of enterprises? setting of goals and visions on the basis of stake holders? interests and the employees? more active engagement in and motivation for the goal achievement. Despite these common inherent characteristics, it is not evident from current scientific debate how such integration actually emerges in the control philosophies of the enterprises.

Verksamhetsstyrning med fokus på intressenters och medarbetares betydelse - ett fundament för företagens varaktiga framgång?

We would like to gain a more in depth knowledge of whether the modern orientations both within corporate governance and control philosophy lay the foundation for enterprises? more sustainable success. These both modern orientations are increasingly focusing on the importance of enterprises? setting of goals and visions on the basis of stake holders? interests and the employees? more active engagement in and motivation for the goal achievement. Despite these common inherent characteristics, it is not evident from current scientific debate how such integration actually emerges in the control philosophies of the enterprises.

Bloggens Nyheter : En diskursanalys om mediernas nya utmanare

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur man inom bloggosfären legitimerar sig som en viktig medial kanal i relation till redan etablerade medier. Vi söker genom en diskursanalytisk metod finna bloggarens tillvägagångssätt att i sina texter legitimera sitt eller arenans skrivande, och finner i vår analys en trend som kan komma att leda till stora förändringar i traditionella redaktioners arbetssätt..

Förebyggande Brandskydd

The number of residential fires has not declined sufficiently since the smoke alarm entranced the Swedish homes, fires lead to devastating consequences in which possessions, homes and worst of all human lives are at stake. Every year, about 80 people get killed and more than 500 get´s injured in residential fires, often due to lack of safety equipment. The number of fires caused by electrical appliances has risen and taken over a period of ten years the fire caused by a forgotten stove has increased by 70 percent. Preventing the risk that a fire would start on the stove would saves money, worry and most importantly, lives..

Mottagandet och debatten kring Myggor och tigrar : Förekommande diskurser och positioner i diskussionen om publiceringen

Denna studie rör debatten som kulminerade efter publicerandet av romanen Myggor och tigrar, av Maja Lundgren. Studiens fokus ligger i att finna debattens essens, utifrån tidningsartiklar och artikelförfattares positionering gentemot romanen och debattens huvudfrågor, detta är vidare undersökningens huvudsakliga syfte. Huruvida genus har betydelse för debattens utgång och om artikelförfattarnas förhållningssätt påverkas är en central fråga..

Jag valde livet! : En studie av alkoholisters olika vägar ut ur alkoholmissbruk

The purpose of this essay was to find out what alcoholics themselves mean were the way out of their drinking abuse.The questions at stake are:· What kind of context did the interviewed live in before and after the turning point?· How did the process of getting out of the alcohol abuse look like?· What different factors may have influenced the turning point, the maintenance and the interviewee's choice to stop the abuse of alcohol?· Where there any other important occurrences that may have had an impact on their decision to stop drinking?For the investigation we have interviewed three women and five men. They all have had sever problems with alcohol, but all of them also have found a way out of the abuse.Our research shows that the way out of alcohol abuse is very complex and individual. The turning point is rather a process than a single occurrence. Our research also shows that the interaction between the alcohol and important individuals in their immediate surroundings are the absolute most important factor to stop using alcohol in a destructive way but also important when it comes to maintaining soberness..

Integreras eller assimileras? : Socialarbetare och arbetsförmedlares syn på möjligheter och begränsningar för flyktingar att uppnå egen försörjning.

In this study we have investigated how care users in a nursing home experience their possibilities for influence and treatment from the staff. The study was conducted through focus group interviews with six participants who we met on four occasions. Questions the study departs from are: How do users experience their opportunity to influence? How do the users experience the treatment from the staff? The study has a qualitative approach and has been analyzed by means of symbolic interactionism, with an emphasis on the Self. Our results demonstrate that in situations of good treatment there is also a good influence.

?Vi gör ett försök? : en analys av SVT:s Mediemagasinet som ett mediekritiskt uttryck

In year 2000 the Swedish Public Service television started a new series of programmes named Mediemagasinet. The purpose was to expose the work of journalism through the eyes of a journalist. The programme showed different types of tasks and problems that have to do with journalistic reporting. The form of Mediemagasinet wasn?t anything new but the content was presented as the very first of its kind.

Attityder till återintroduktion av visent i Sverige

The European bison is a species which is no longer present in the wild fauna of Sweden. Reintroduction has been proposed in several different forums. Reintroduction is an attempt to reestablish a viable population of a species in an area to which it is native. To make such an operation successful in the long run it is essential to know the attitudes of the stakeholders involved. This study has sensed the attitudes towards reintroduction of European bison to Sweden.

Bemötande och inflytande inom äldreomsorgen är ju bra, egentligen. : En kvalitativ studie om bemötande och inflytande ur ett brukarperspektiv

In this study we have investigated how care users in a nursing home experience their possibilities for influence and treatment from the staff. The study was conducted through focus group interviews with six participants who we met on four occasions. Questions the study departs from are: How do users experience their opportunity to influence? How do the users experience the treatment from the staff? The study has a qualitative approach and has been analyzed by means of symbolic interactionism, with an emphasis on the Self. Our results demonstrate that in situations of good treatment there is also a good influence.

Ett förslag till arbetsmöbel för användning i det offentliga rummet. : -examensarbete i samarbete med Nola AB

During spring 2007, I Matilda Lindblom, undertook my Bachelor Degree project in Furniture Design. The supervisors were Agneta Stake at Nola in Stockholm and Leo Jóhannsson, teacher and examiner at Carl Malmsten CTD in Stockholm.The project was based on three elements:? Cooperate together with a producer for professional supervision? Learn to work from a given design brief.? To learn more about industrial production? Learn more about furniture for public areasI contacted a furniture producer called Nola AB, in Stockholm, who became my work partner during this project. The asked me to design a piece of furniture where you can sit and work with a laptop on. The target was for public areas, for example in parks, malls, or at airports.In cooperation with Nola, my ambition was to develop this piece of furniture that was the answers on their wishes and demands.

"Ska jag förklara det?! Alla har ju redan löst det så vad spelar det för roll?" Användandet av formativ bedömning i utvecklingen av de matematiska förmågorna i Lgy 11

The aim of this study is to investigate how mathematics teachers use formative assessment to make the course objectives clear to the student. This is part of a wider aim in Sweden to find ways for improving mathematics teaching. Qualitative semi-structrured interviews and observations were used for collecting data. Different approaches to integrate formative assessment in their classrooms is discussed: questioning, discussions in whole-class, group work and assessment and feedback. The analysis of the results indicated that the teachers thought differently about how to integrate the course objectives in their planning.

Bolagsledningens lojalitetsplikt gentemot aktieägare

The fact that a duty of loyalty within the Swedish company law exists should be regarded as indisputable according to the Swedish doctrine, but its content and scope is however more severe identified. As the duty of loyalty is not regulated in the ABL and the fact that there are not many precedents in this area, means that it is difficult to know the boundaries of the company management´s duty of loyalty. It is also unclear whether the company management´s duty of loyalty to the company also is targeting the shareholders. It is this issue that we intend to discuss in the final chapter of this thesis. In order to answer our questions, we will in chapter two to six give an account of the foundation of the duty of loyalty and thereafter describe the management's duty of loyalty to the company.

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